Virgin coconut oil helps for beautiful skin and hair.That is it act as the best treatment for skin care as other creams and lotions usually have chemicals and lasting benefits can not be gained by those.Unlike temporary treatments . virgin coconut oil has fatty acid ; MCFA ,lauric,capric,caprylic are normal components of skin and this is advantageous in replacing lipids lost in the skin.
Virgin coconut oil helps to improve the skin conditions by healing skin diseases.Virgin coconut oil is also a perfect moisturizer which can be used to make dry and scaly skin softened.
It can also be used as a cure for head lice ,pimples ,and as lip balm.
It also helps to prevent wrinkling and sagging as it strengthens the connective tissues giving a younger appearance which makes the body glow due to removal of dead cells.
The virgin coconut oil helps to minimize sun’s damaging effect, due to it’s antioxidant property.Thus it is used in sun tan lotions and thus eye spots and cancers are prevented.
Virgin coconut oil also has antimicrobial properties ; when broken to fatty acid MCFA, bacteria,virus and fungus can be killed.